giovedì 28 ottobre 2010
Ubuntu 10.10
L'unica cosa che ho dovuto fare è quella di abilitare la rilevazione delle release Normal invece che quelle LTS (settata di default). Qui alcune informazioni.
martedì 26 ottobre 2010
Brunetta: “è inutile investire nella banda larga”
Questa clamorosa dichiarazione arriva niente meno che dal ministro Renato Brunetta che in passato era stato invece uno dei principali sostenitori dello sviluppo della banda larga italiana.
Fine dei giochi, dunque, di ...
Leggi tutto
Autore: Filippo Vendrame
sabato 23 ottobre 2010
venerdì 22 ottobre 2010
I falsi dell’odio - Il libro avvelenato, fra avventura e realtà
giovedì 7 ottobre 2010
Blog Post: Microsoft Security Essentials available to Small Businesses on October 7
We announced back in September that Microsoft Security Essentials would be changing its licensing terms and would soon become available to small business on up to 10 PCs. We are happy to announce that beginning tomorrow, October 7, the change will go into effect and small business owners will be able to download and install Microsoft Security Essentials. This new availability will allow small businesses that operate outside of the home to take advantage of Microsoft’s no-cost antimalware service that will help them save time, save money and remain productive while protecting them from viruses, spyware and other malicious threats. If you operate a small business with more than 10 PCs, we do recommend that you consider using the Forefront line products to address your security needs.
In just one year on the market, more than 30 million customers are now enjoying the quiet protection Microsoft Security Essentials provides, and Microsoft is excited to now offer Microsoft Security Essentials to the small business community.
For more information about this new availability, check out the Microsoft SMB Community blog and the feature story on